“It is anticipated or superfluous, it is said, an observatory in nascent towns and with an exhausted or overloaded treasury. Well, I say that we must renounce the rank of nation, or the title of civilized people, if we do not participate in the progress and movement of the natural sciences.”
D.F. Sarmiento,10/24/1871
“A telescope that explores the skies, resembles an artillery machine directed against human ignorance, and has its part in the conquest of new and great truths, which will serve for the moral, intellectual and physical advancement of the human race.”
B. Gould, 10/24/1871
The meeting will be held virtually and free of charge from October 25 to 29, 2021 and will coincide with the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Argentine National Observatory, the first scientific institution
of our country.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Dr. Mercedes Gomez (OAC, chief)
Dr. Lilia Bassino (IALP/FCAGLP)
Dr. M. Laura Ceccarelli (IATE/OAC)
Dr. Alejandro Córsico (IALP)
Dr. Nicolás Duronea (IALP)
Dr. Carlos Francile (OAFA)
Dr. Mario Melita (IAFE)
Dr. Mariana Orellana (UNRN)
Dr. Daniela Pérez (IAR)
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. María Victoria Alonso (OAC/IATE, chief)
Dr. Ana Laura O’Mill (OAC/IATE)
Dr. Mónica Oddone (OAC)
Dr. Carolina Villarreal D’Angelo (OAC)
Dr. David Merlo (OAC)
Dr. Mario Sgró (OAC/IATE)
Dr. Facundo Rodriguez (IATE)
Lic. Abril Sahade (OAC/IATE)
Mgtr. Ing. Santiago Paolantonio (OAC)
Lic. Omar Silvestro (OAC)
Viviana Bertazzi (IATE)
Roberto Cattaneo (OAC)

Supporting institutions