The 63th Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Asociation of Astronomy will take place on 25-29 october 2021, and be a fully virtual meeting.
All registrated participant will recieve an email with instructions to access the Landing Page of the meeting. If your name is on the participant list, and you did not recieve such email, please, let us known by email ASAP.
In the Landing Page you will find the links to the different sites that we will use during the meeting, and a session dedicated to the e-poster contributions.

We will use Zoom for the talks. The access to it will be trought the Landing Page. Only registered people can participate.
Disscussions, help desk & chat

We have created the RAAA2021 workspace on Slack with one channel for each metting sessions as well as a “Help desk” channel. The registered participants will recieve an invitation to join the space via email.
To learn how to use Slack, please see the following link:
Coffee breaks

We will use Wonder to simulate our traditional coffee breaks.
Begginers to Wonder can follow the next link:
For more information see the following circulars: